Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Morning Person

I am so not a morning person. Luckily I've been blessed with kids that sleeeeeep. But three new additions to my home are making it easier to deal with facing the day head on.

Ever have back or neck pain? It stinks. The least I could ask for is a comfy bed to lay my aching back. Instead, every morning for the four years since we bought a new luxurious pillow top mattress I wake up cursing the moment that bed was delivered. Boo pillow tops! Needing a crane to get out of bed is not my idea of morning fun. Anyway, after years of constant complaining we finally replaced our very expensive evil mattress with a new super firm one. Ahhh. It's been two nights of happy sleeps. Hooray, I can stand up straight immediately jumping out of bed ... and move my head side to side. Praise the Vera Wang Firm Mattress!!!

Does your pantry look like the cereal aisle at the grocery store? We love us some cereal and now I smile every time I open the pantry. Check these puppies out!

Jealous? Don't be ... just pop on over to your local Costco.  They come in a three-pack for $15ish bucks.

Do you have a Keurig? O.M.G. It's a coffee-lover's dream! I am not sure why I still after months of owning this toy get so excited to make myself a cup of coffee in the am, but why ask why? And the afternoon Cafe Mocha or Hot Chocolate ... oh yeah. I literally have not stepped foot in Starbucks since November!

So, mornings aren't so bad. Just don't call me before 9am :)



Allison said...

Dear Morning Person,
You are so lucky that your kids sleep late. Today we were up at 6:15 with Emma & Ben. Ari was a close 3rd at 6:30! BRUTAL. But I agree that the Keurig is something to look forward to. I have been using my own grinds more so than the K-Cups recently. I find that I am getting sick of the same thing everyday.
Congrats on the new mattress. How exciting! And I love your cereal containters. We used to have them when we lived in the city. Not sure why we gave them up...maybe one day when we have a REAL pantry we'll buy them again. Have a nice day (and another good night of sleep).
Night Owl Allison

MiniMe Mom said...

UGH- Bryce is up around 6. It sucks!

We have an evil matress too. I love it when I get into bed, but I cannot get out in the morning! It is the worst!

Anonymous said...

ok, i totally want those cereal containers!! I have been wanting those for so long. i hate when my cereal gets stale! we just went to costco though, but will get them on my next trip. also..we decided we need a new mattress as well. where did u get yours? I am too lazy to do any research but we need one badly. give me your info and where u got it! i should have laid on your bed tonite when i was over! enjoy your night and your cereal for dinner! see ya! ... EL

resa troyer said...

what are you giving them to get them to sleep late? mine was up and it was still dark today. i don't even know what time it was, just darkness was all around. then as the sun came up, i heard the sounds of games on my phone from the floor next to my bed. yeap, he's addicted too!