Sunday, January 24, 2010

A week to remember

My grandfather, aka Stormin' Norman passed away on Tuesday, his 95th birthday. He was a great, loving grandpa - a very special guy. As my dad pointed out in his eulogy, Grandpa always finished everything he started, even his final the day. I was lucky to have spent his last 5 days at his bedside with him in California. He was surrounded by family and comforted by loving caregivers. My kids are so blessed to have known him...we will miss him! Here's a cute pic of Gpa and Max, taken 2+ years ago. 


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Morning Person

I am so not a morning person. Luckily I've been blessed with kids that sleeeeeep. But three new additions to my home are making it easier to deal with facing the day head on.

Ever have back or neck pain? It stinks. The least I could ask for is a comfy bed to lay my aching back. Instead, every morning for the four years since we bought a new luxurious pillow top mattress I wake up cursing the moment that bed was delivered. Boo pillow tops! Needing a crane to get out of bed is not my idea of morning fun. Anyway, after years of constant complaining we finally replaced our very expensive evil mattress with a new super firm one. Ahhh. It's been two nights of happy sleeps. Hooray, I can stand up straight immediately jumping out of bed ... and move my head side to side. Praise the Vera Wang Firm Mattress!!!

Does your pantry look like the cereal aisle at the grocery store? We love us some cereal and now I smile every time I open the pantry. Check these puppies out!

Jealous? Don't be ... just pop on over to your local Costco.  They come in a three-pack for $15ish bucks.

Do you have a Keurig? O.M.G. It's a coffee-lover's dream! I am not sure why I still after months of owning this toy get so excited to make myself a cup of coffee in the am, but why ask why? And the afternoon Cafe Mocha or Hot Chocolate ... oh yeah. I literally have not stepped foot in Starbucks since November!

So, mornings aren't so bad. Just don't call me before 9am :)


Friday, January 8, 2010

Hooray for MiniMe!

In my previous post about easy ways to go green, I linked to some great snack bags. I did not realize that the creator of the bags (and the equally fabulous Wet Happened bags), Jamie also sold them on her site. Jamie created a special 20% off code for the snack and wet bags when purchased on MiniMe.

She has amazing stuff - a great collection of baby goodies - so check it all out (coupon code only applies to the bags, though).

The code is: ANGIE

Thanks, Jamie!

PS We use the Wet Happened bags a ton around here -- great for wet suits after a swim and stinky gym clothes after a workout.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Apologies to the Garbage Man

Three super simple changes I've made in the last couple of years ... make for good resolutions in my book. I try to "be green" as much as possible on a daily basis, and these products are no brainers.

#1 Reusable grocery bags I have a dozen or so, and use them not only at the grocery store, but Target, clothes shopping ... well, anywhere I'd get a bag. I keep 'em stashed in my car and purse, so I am never without. Just think of all the grocery bags you collect...then can buy these just about anywhere these days, but I've gotten mine from these online stores: Reusable Bags and Nubius Organics. I also have an insulated tote from Neela Bags. So all cold/frozen stuff goes straight in there. Makes for easier putting away at home.

#2 Water Bottles I used to buy bottled water by the case at Costco, and almost two years ago quit cold turkey. Instead, I stocked our family with a variety of water bottles. They ain't cheap, but think of all that plastic you are keeping out of the landfills. Plus, water is good for you - so really, you're doing yourself a huge favor!  Maybe you heard about the Sigg bottle craziness a few months back (Sigg, a popular water bottle manufacturer claimed that their bottles were BPA free. In fact, the liners ended up having traces of BPA in them). Grrrr, I promptly returned our large stash and was given a credit to buy new ones, equipped with the NEW BPA free liner. I took their word for it and now have all new bottles for the fam. Anyway, some other great bottles are Camelbak and Kleen Kanteen

#3 No waste lunches This is a work in progress but I'm trying to pack no-waste lunches for the kids. I use re-usable and washable snack/sandwich bags (try Snack Happened bags) and buy way less individually wrapped snacks. Easier on the wallet and garbage can.

These are just a few of my favorite things ... I'm always looking for ideas to incorporate eco-living into our daily routines. Leave me a comment sharing what you do. We can help each other out!

Friday, January 1, 2010


I'm a list maker. I'd forget to brush my teeth without the reminder. But 
I've never been big on New Years Resolutions. Maybe I'm lazy or maybe I 
know not to set expectations I may not meet. I'd rather make a to do 
list. Everything might not get crossed off but at least I know I will 

The exercise resolution is easy for me - I couldn't make it through my 
week without it. Zumba is my latest obsession. It's Latin dancing. 
Lots of hip shakin. So fun. I'm sure I look like the biggest goofball, 
but who cares?! Try it, such a blast.

I take each day as it comes. Not a very good long term planner (in my 
pre-kid life I was a corporate meeting planner, which is laughable now 
to me.) If I remember to pack a lunch and plan a playdate, it's a good 
day. Being a mom is hard. There is so much "stuff" to remember. Thank 
goodness for my good friend, my iPhone to remind me of everything.

So back to the resolutions, I can't imagine adding more expectations to 
my days.

And then there's Made by Angie to throw into the mix.  I've been 
blessed with a successful business. So let's just resolve that it will 
continue. 5 years and counting. That's a lot of diaper changes!

So, it's 2010. On my to do list (this was also on my '09 list...told 
ya!) is to buy a sewing machine and teach myself to use it. There, I 
am putting it in writing this time, will you help me with this 

If you've made it this far, I'd love to hear what's on your list. Leave 
me a comment here. I'll leave you with this pic of Nate taken last night, shortly after he tuckered out after a long night of party-ing. I'm going to add "take a nap" to my list. He looks mighty content.

Happy New Year!!