Saturday, March 20, 2010

Lions & lambs, happy patients and new wipes!

Yep, it's March in Chicago. Yesterday we played outside in the warm 60s sun and awoke today to a few inches of snow. Gotta love the first day of "Spring".  At least it makes for a good fire day, and I've been informed by my pyro husband that the fire will burn all weekend (he's desperately trying to use the ridiculous amount of wood he ordered this winter!)

We welcomed spring by heading to the kids dentist this morning. They LOVE going! What is wrong with these boys!?  Oh, TVs showing movies on the ceiling, cotton candy fluoride treatment and a treasure chest deep with goodies.  Maybe that has something to do with it!

 Here are two new patterns.  Meet Henry (named for Henry, born in January to Nancy & Eric and big brother Harris!) and Spice Dots (no, I don't know any babies named Spice Dots, lol).  Enjoy and buy some -- dentist has informed me both kids will need braces, so we better start saving now :)

Happy Spring ... What are you doing for Spring Break? Leave me a comment!


PS I've pulled the trigger and bought a sewing machine, step one of my 2010 goals - yay! Can't wait for it to arrive. Ain't she a beaut?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

HB to me

 It's here, the big 3-7. Whoopie! A gloomygrayrainy day in Chicago, perfect for ... eating the hub's french toast, playing jenga, building a fire, being goofy, making brownies, skyping aunt Linds in London and eating some more (Roti falafel and Happ Inn tonite). A perfect no-rush, no-pressure day to enjoy the fam...and maybe get a little work done too (for those of you waiting on an order!)