Wednesday, February 17, 2010


It occurred to me recently that gold prices are through the roof. I know, news flash. An invite to a friend's "gold party" got me thinking so I dug out my jewelry box to see what little pretties were collecting dust, just waiting to be traded for  I don't wear a lot of jewelry, and let's face it - with two boys, what am I really passing down here. Plus, everything is a tad, well - dated. Like from my Bat Mitzvah (circa 1986!). I hung on to my monogrammed pinky ring for sentimental value and took a bag of stuff to visit with the jeweler. I apologize to the gold studded anklets and rings from my trip to Israel in 1989 (among other items) ... but my wallet thanks you. I am $812 happier!

Now the big question: what to buy :)

In other news ... Happy 4th Birthday (tomorrow) to the Tater. How did that happen!?


Friday, February 5, 2010

Snow Envy

Growing up in Maryland, I remember two things about the snow. One memory was building forts/igloos on Park Ave (so I must have been around 5 years old) in what seemed to be several feet of fallen snow.

The other is multiple "snow days", days off of school (sometimes a week at a time) -- often after we'd only received a dusting of snow. I guess we had the mountains and icy roads of upper/western Montgomery County to thank for these days, and as I recall as a kid there were no complaints!

Now that I live in Chicago we just don't benefit from cancellations due to our wintry abyss. Is the city more prepared? Are the kids tougher? My dad always reminds me of his Chicago childhood when he walked miles in the snow to/from school, uphill both ways...never missing a day.

My kids are not at the age where they'd be excited for a snow day, but as an adult, I miss them!  What I'd give for a day off, forcing us to remain home watching the snow fall. We've got hot chocolate for the Keurig, plenty of wood for the fire (I'm sure my pyro husband would like nothing more than a day at home to build a fire), and hours of Lost, 24 and Sponge Bob to catch up on.

Facebook is abuzz with snow predictions and weather reports from my DC friends. I'm sure they are frantically grocery shopping and getting ready to shovel. I am a little jealous. As we head into the weekend, it is currently snowing here ... but life in Chicago goes on outside. DC/MD/VA, hopefully you'll enjoy some cozy indoor chill time this weekend.